تركيز الإجهاد حول ثقب القطع الناقص في الهندسة الليفية التأثير على شرائح الجرافيت / الإيبوكسي المركبة المعرضة للتحميل الداخلي
Abstract The distribution of stresses in laminated composite plates with an ellipse hole and having various stacking sequences, different geometric dimensions and subjected to in-plane axial tensile loading is studied and solved by FEM using ANSYS. The ANSYS computer pro-gram was applied using the finite element method to study Graphite/Epoxy Composite material effects. The purpose of the authors is to analyze the impactof Size of hole, as-pect ratio of plates on stresses induced in such plates. Analysis was achieved for angle-ply, four layered symmetric laminated plates with different stacking sequences * ? ?+s.
سنة النشـــر