شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه - السيرة الذاتية

شيرين محمود حامدحمادنه

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فرعي 2879,

Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر
The impact of an online educational program to reduce second-hand exposure to smoke among nonsmoking pregnant women; a hospital-based intervention study تأثير برنامج تعليمي عبر الإنترنت لتقليل التعرض غير المباشر للدخان بين النساء الحوامل غير المدخنات؛ دراسة التدخل في المستشفى 2023
The Role of Using Social Media and Technology Applications in Continuous Health Education Programs Following COVID-19 Crisis The Role of Using Social Media and Technology Applications in Continuous Health Education Programs Following COVID-19 Crisis 2023
The impact of an online educational program to reduce second-hand exposure to smoke among nonsmoking pregnant women; a hospital-based intervention study The impact of an online educational program to reduce second-hand exposure to smoke among nonsmoking pregnant women; a hospital-based intervention study 2023
4. The impact of an online educational program to reduce second-hand exposure to smoke among nonsmoking pregnant women; a hospital-based intervention study تأثير برنامج تعليمي عبر الإنترنت لتقليل التعرض غير المباشر للدخان بين النساء الحوامل غير المدخنات. دراسة التدخل في المستشفى 2023
Impact of COVID-19 on perinatal mental health among pregnant mothers infected with COVID-19, during the first wave of the epidemic in Jordan Impact of COVID-19 on perinatal mental health among pregnant mothers infected with COVID-19, during the first wave of the epidemic in Jordan 2022
Prevalence and Related Factors of Postpartum Depression among Jordanian Mothers with a History of Covid-19 during Pregnancy or after Childbirth in a Developing Country Prevalence and Related Factors of Postpartum Depression among Jordanian Mothers with a History of Covid-19 during Pregnancy or after Childbirth in a Developing Country 2022
5. Impact of COVID-19 on perinatal mental health among pregnant mothers infected with COVID-19 during the first wave of the epidemic in Jordan تأثير كوفيد-19 على الصحة النفسية في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة لدى الأمهات الحوامل المصابات بكوفيد-19 خلال الموجة الأولى من الوباء في الأردن 2022
Clinical predictive factors for vaginal delivery following induction of labour among pregnant women in Jordan Clinical predictive factors for vaginal delivery following induction of labour among pregnant women in Jordan 2021
Knowledge, Attitude and Smoking Patterns Among Pregnant Women: A Jordanian Perspective Knowledge, Attitude and Smoking Patterns Among Pregnant Women: A Jordanian Perspective 2021
Cognitive functioning in Deaf children using Cochlear implants Cognitive functioning in Deaf children using Cochlear implants 2021
Active and Passive Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: A Study From a Developing Country Active and Passive Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes: A Study From a Developing Country 2021
Knowledge and attitudes regarding Covid-19 among syrian refugee women in Jordan Knowledge and attitudes regarding Covid-19 among syrian refugee women in Jordan 2021
Cognitive performance in deaf children using cochlear implants الأداء المعرفي لدى الأطفال الصم باستخدام زراعة القوقعة الصناعية 2021
Knowledge and attitudes toward infant BLS among babysitters and nursemaids working in rural northwest Jordan Knowledge and attitudes toward infant BLS among babysitters and nursemaids working in rural northwest Jordan 2020
14. Is facilitated tucking by parents more effective than dextrose water (10%) in reducing full-term neonatal pain during the heel-lancing procedure: A randomized controlled trial 14. Is facilitated tucking by parents more effective than dextrose water (10%) in reducing full-term neonatal pain during the heel-lancing procedure: A randomized controlled trial 2020
Demographic, Anthropometric, and Biochemical Characteristics of Jordanian Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Case-Control Study Demographic, Anthropometric, and Biochemical Characteristics of Jordanian Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Case-Control Study 2020
1. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death. In: Laher, I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. 1. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death. In: Laher, I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. 2020
1. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death. In: Laher, I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. 1. وفاة الرضيع المفاجئة وغير المتوقعة. 2020
Evaluation of Intervention Programs for Children with Autism 2019
Nutritional and Dietary Interventions of Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Short Review Nutritional and Dietary Interventions of Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Short Review 2019
Developing Reliability and Validation of Midwives' Skills regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation Questionnaire (MSNRQ) 2019
Adolescents? Perspectives Towards Using Social Networking and the Internet to Gain Information about Reproductive and Sexual Health in Jordan: a Qualitative - Community Based Study 2019
3. Nutritional and Dietary Interventions of Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Short Review 3. التدخلات الغذائية والغذائية لاضطرابات طيف التوحد: مراجعة قصيرة 2019
2. Developmental Care Practices at Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Developing Countries. In: Laher, I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. Developmental Care Practices at Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Developing Countries. In: Laher, I. (eds) Handbook of Healthcare in the Arab World. Springer, Cham. 2019
Smoking Poses Significant Risks to Infant Health, A Review for Developing Countries 2018
Factors Associated With Infant Pain Severity Undergoing Immunization Injections 2018
Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia 2018
Stillbirths in Jordan: rate, causes, and preventability 2018
Blood lead level and correlation with pregnancy-associated anaemia 2018
Common Factors Associated With Child Deaths, at a Tertiary Care Centre in Irbid Government, Jordan 2018
Effectiveness of prophylactic cervical cerclage in higher order multiple pregnancies 2017
Lifestyle related fertility disorders in north Jordan: potential for improvement 2017
Total homocysteine is positively correlated with body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and fat mass among overweight reproductive women: A cross-sectional study 2017
Assessment of Northern Jordanian adolescents? knowledge and attitudes towards asthma 2017
Infant Resuscitation Practices of Midwives in a Developing Country 2017
Association between timing of elective cesarean delivery and adverse outcomes among women with at least two previous cesareans 2017
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in the Middle East: An Exploration of the Literature on Rates, Risk Factors, High Risk Groups and Intervention Programs 2016
Internet Addiction among School Adolescents in Northeastern Jordan 2016
Midwives' Experiences, Education, and Support Needs Regarding Basic Newborn Resuscitation in Jordan 2016
The health belief model's impacts on the use of complementary and alternative medicine by parents or guardians of children with cancer 2016
Epidemiology of Non-fatal injuries among schoolchildren 2016
Sudden Unexpected infant death in Jordan and child caring environments. 2016
Sudden unexpected infant deaths investigation in the Middle East requiring further action 2016
The Role of Heat Shock Protein 90 in Human Reproduction 2014
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Jordan 2013
Develop a Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Education Package in Jordan: Using Participatory Action Research Approach to Create Ripple of Change 2013
Knowledge and attitudes toward infant BLS among babysitters and nursemaids working in rural northwest Jordan تقييم معرفة وموقف المربيات والممرضات تجاه توفير دعم الحياة الأساسي (BLS) للرضع. 11/0
Active and passive maternal smoking during pregnancy and birth outcomes: A study from a developing country تدخين الأمهات الإيجابي والسلبي أثناء الحمل ونتائج الولادة: دراسة من دولة نامية 01/1
Knowledge, attitude and smoking patterns among pregnant women: A Jordanian perspective المعرفة والاتجاهات وأنماط التدخين لدى النساء الحوامل: منظور أردني 01/0
Knowledge and attitudes regarding Covid-19 among Syrian Refugee Women in Jordan المعرفة والمواقف بشأن كوفيد-19 بين النساء اللاجئات السوريات في الأردن 01/0