آثار خليط الإيبوكسي كبريتات الباريوم على توهين الإشعاع القصير الطول الموجي.
Radiation protection against short wavelength radiation have beeen studied by using Barium sulfate-Epoxy mixture. The outcome of this research showed a good new information about the ability of barium sulfate-Epoxy mixture to protect the humans and environment against short wavelength rays. There is an easy procedure, low cost and available materials to construct the shielding instead of that high cost shielding. Increasing barium sulfate ratios in barium-epoxy mixture leads to increased gamma ray attenuation with decreasing gamma photon energy. The results of high attenuation of gamma ray is due to the prevent of the ray to transimitted through the mixture. A new procedure for radiation protection are used in the labs and work places, which were used the radioactive materials. Short wavelength radiation causes hazards on health of humans and environment, the measurement of gamma photons transmission through barium-epoxy mixture are investigated. The count of CPS is done by maestro software after applying the mixture on cement block. There were two decay energys of gamma ray emitting at 59.5 keV and 26.3 keV. The scattering of gamma ray was studied at various angles.
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