Characterization of Architectural Mortars from Buildings at Umm Qais (Gadara), Northwest Jordan: Provenance Input
This paper aims at characterizing architectural mortars taken from structures at Umm Qais (Gadara) in northwest Jordan. The study intends to shed light on the mortar production technology, and to determine the provenance of the raw materials used in the mortar production. The Mortar samples were collected from the Western Theater and the Roman Market built during the Roman Period. The samples were analyzed by Optical Lenses, X-Ray Diffractometer, Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopes. The collected data was compared with some published literature on the geology of the Gadara area. The results show that the mortars are lime-based mixed with different local aggregates mainly fossiliferous micritic limestone, quartz, tuff, ceramic and basalt. The hydraulicity of the mortars was obtained through the addition of natural and artificial pozzalinic materials. Most likely, the high reactivity of the lime binder originated from the soft burning of the raw limestone. The results shed light on the Roman mortar production technology and the technology of ancient mortar production at other archaeological sites in Jordan.
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