Scientific Committee

  1. Prof. Bassam Al-Mahasneh, Al al-Bayt University
  2. Prof. Mohannad Tarrad, Al al-Bayt University, chairman
  3. Prof. Maysoon Al-Nahar, University of Jordan
  4. Prof. Mohammad Wahib, The Hashemite University
  5. Prof. Ibrahim Bazazo, University of Jordan, Aqaba Branch
  6. Prof. Ahmed Al-Malabeh, The Hashemite University
  7. Prof. Elayan Al-Jaludi, Al al-Bayt University
  8. Prof. Reda Al-Adamat, Al al-Bayt University
  9. Dr. Saad Al-Ayyash, Al al-Bayt University
  10. Prof. Anwar Al-Khalidi, Al al-Bayt University
  11. Prof. Hani Akhu Arshida, Al al-Bayt University
  12. Prof. Muntaha Harahsheh, Al al-Bay University
  13. Prof. Ali Mustafa Al-Qudah, Al al-Bayt University
  14. Dr. Fuad Hourani, University of Jordan
  15. Dr. Ali Al-Manaser, The Hashemite University
  16. Dr. Safaa Al-Husban, Al al-Bayt University
  17. Dr. Ziad Talafha, researcher of ancient inscriptions and writings
  18. Mr. Waleed Maabreh, Secretary of the Committee
  19. Dr.Darrel .j. Rohl
  20. Dr.Ignacio Arce