

Center achievements 2021

  1.  The center's participation in multiple committees whose aim is to evaluate, study, and invest in important topics for the   university,  especially those related to the water and agriculture sector.
  2.  Participation in a conference for exchanging experiences at the University of Valladolid in Spain
  3.  Using the newest equipment and technological techniques in conducting various analyses, whether water or solid materials.
  4.  Obtaining support from the Scientific Research Fund from the Ministry of Higher Education.
  5.  - Participation with a number of government sector institutions for the purposes of scientific projects such as (The National Center   for  Agricultural Research, University of Applied Sciences, University of Israa)
  6.  Participation in the (Personal Protection) project funded by the University of Sheffield
  7.  Participated in the accreditation course for laboratories(ISO).
  8.  Business agreements have been concluded with many institutions such as (Gama, Fast Road,...) for the purposes of conducting   analyzes.


Center achievements 2022

  1.  The center’s participation in local conferences, including the Climate Change and Crisis Management Conference that was held at the   Dead Sea on 7/28/2022 AD, and national workshops to link it with Jordanian researchers and network it with international projects    within the center’s executive plan emanating from the university’s strategic plan (2021/2023) and its national priorities.
  2.  Applying for international projects announced on the website of the Ministry of Higher Education or the Ministry of Planning such as

     PRIMA - Green Innovation Projects as part of the EU support to Green Economy in Response to the Syrian crisis in Jordan 2021 – 2024   - Italian Cooperation program


     Partnerships have been made with a number of government sector institutions and private universities for the purpose of obtaining   support for scientific projects such as (The National Center for Agricultural Research, University of Applied Sciences, Israa University,   King Hussein Cancer Center, and the Energy Sector Regulatory Authority to monitor radioactive materials) and increase the scientific   production of the center.

     Continuing to participate in the project (Means of Personal Protection) funded by the University of Sheffield in terms of providing   technical training in the field of making liquid repellents (gel), liquid soap and aquaculture, where participation was in providing   technical specifications, studying them and recommending referrals for used materials, then training Syrian refugees and Jordanians   according to the objectives of the project

     Participated in the accreditation course (IEC 17025: 2015 / ISO) to re-apply for the accreditation of the water analysis laboratory   laboratories and the EPMA device as a calibration device for X-ray devices in the Institution of Standards and Metrology.

     Business agreements have been concluded with some companies, such as (Fast Road) for the purposes of conducting analyzes and   increasing the financial return from the proceeds of analyzes, as the center’s revenues from external parties amounted to 16,599 JD   until the date of 8/1/2022

    - Contracting with local and national community companies to carry out 7 comprehensive and initial environmental   impact  assessment studies and submit them to the Ministry of Environment (Al-Astal Organic Fertilizers Company, Arab Company for   Veterinary Medicines Industry, Khairat Al-Shamal Company and Manaf Al-Saffar Company for Fish Farming)

     Visiting delegations from the local and international community to get acquainted with the center and develop ways of cooperation   between the center and the various parties (University of Milan - Italy, University of Sheffield - Britain, experts from GIZ|,   University  of  Baghdad - Iraq, the Russian ambassador, experts in water and environment from the University of Tunisia)

     Conduct training courses in the center's water, solids, and organic matter analyses

     Practical training for a period of 6 months and according to official approvals between the Association of Agricultural Engineers for   new and also training for students of the Hashemite University within the requirements of the graduation project.

     Carrying out internal training courses for the center's staff to raise the staff's efficiency.