Duties and tasks of the Division:

- Securing suitable means of transportation for workers, students, guests, visitors and official authorities, according to the instructions in force at the university.

Preparing and implementing a unified transfer program with field training for university students, in coordination with the professors and deans of the concerned colleges.

- Executing exceptional movement orders that serve the educational process at the university.

- Organizing shift work for drivers to cover the requirements of work at the university 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

- Executing movement requests for conducting trips to the Holy Land for students.

- Supervising the movement of vehicles in the university and providing them with fuel, lubricants and lubricants to ensure their safety and continuity.

Coordinating with the various units of the university to provide them with the necessary vehicles for scientific, social and recreational trips.

Supervising drivers, following up their work, directing them, and raising their level of performance.

Carrying out periodic and emergency maintenance of vehicles and following them up to avoid any breakdown or damage.

- Follow-up renewal of vehicle licenses and licensing on time and insurance.

Modernizing the transportation fleet and excluding old and dilapidated vehicles and machinery.